img Cobble Hill: 347-844-9699, Park Slope: 718-622-1203, Brooklyn Heights: 347-799-2682
Request a Tour. Email Us: carmelo@brooklynpreschoolofscience.com
brooklyn Preschool of Science

The 2’s Program

Our 2s program is a place for pint-sized scientists to play, learn, and thrive. We provide toddlers the opportunity to gain a sense of mastery over their environment through exploration and play. We encourage creativity and a sense of independence, and offer them a rich variety of hands-on learning opportunities.

In addition to an introduction to language arts, math, and science concepts and skills, the 2s program has a strong focus on self-mastery skills. Our teachers encourage age-appropriate socialization and group play, and offer one-on-one attention to foster skills in self-dressing and potty training.

The 2s rooms at Brooklyn Preschool of Science are organized into Activity Centers, which are filled with educational toys, games, and materials. Children rotate through each activity center every day.

Our Activity Centers Include:

  • Music and Movement (a variety of instruments such as maracas, toys that make noise, and singing animals)
  • Language and Development (board books, vinyl books, and picture card sets)
  • Science Exploration Center (magnifying glasses, microscopes, ant farms, and gerbils)
  • Creative Arts and Self Exploration (mirrored walls, Plexiglass learning displays, and photo books)
  • Gross Motor Play (tunnels, large climbing mats, and push/pull play opportunities)
  • Fine Motor and Self-Help Skills Building (stacking blocks and reaction toys)
  • Book and Storytelling center (favorite stories, puppets, and soft animals)
  • Quiet Play (soft animals, dolls, soft clutch balls, and soft activity mats)
  • Dramatic Play (doll house, kitchen, play food/serving ware, baby doll stroller/crib, and dress-up clothes)
Have a question on enrolling your child?
Call us at - 347-844-9699